
Squirtle Saxophone

  1. Squirtle Saxophone
  2. What Song Squirtle Playing on Saxophone?
  3. Who is Epic Sax Guy?
  4. Who is Squirtle?
  5. Origin
  6. Gandalf Saxaphone Meme
  7. Epic Sax Squirtle is a good lesson for you

Squirtle Saxophone

Meet “Squirtle Saxophone”, a cool new 3D animation that brings back good memories, helps you relax and makes you want to dance!

A beginner in 3D animation, @Marmalade decided to mix things up by having Squirtle from Pokémon GO play the saxophone and jam to a timeless Eurovision song. The creator came up with a recipe for a new and trendy mix, while adding a nostalgic touch with the Gandalf meme. Now let’s explore the origin of Squirtle playing the saxophone and discover the Eurovision song he’s grooving to!

What Song Squirtle Playing on Saxophone?

If you don’t know the song Squirtle is playing on his saxophone, you’re probably not a Eurovision fan.

The legendary song emerged from the Eurovision stage in 2010 in Oslo when the Moldovan band Sunstroke Project represented their top hit named Run Away.

Video from YouTube Chanel “@EurovisionSongContest” – Sunstroke Project & Olia Tira – Run Away (Moldova) Live 2010 Eurovision Song Contest

Moldova doesn’t just send bands to the Eurovision stage, they bring memes, and as you can see, they’re actually good at it. After 13 years, the saxophone trend is still alive and kicking. Sad but true, Moldova didn’t win this year, but some people win the contest, others become legends.

Who is Epic Sax Guy

Epic Sax Squirtle, also known as Squirtle Playing Saxophone, is a clear reference to Epic Sax Guy. As we was saying the song from this trend become from Eurovision 2010 were Sergey Igorovich Stepanov (the name of Epic Sax Guy) play his popular song on saxophone. Soo who is he ?

Sergey Igorovich Stepanov was born in Tiraspol (Moldovian City) in 1984 now he is 39 years old. In his chilhood he was study in musician colege and afterwords went to the army where he was met Anton Ragoza who was also play viola, guys becomes friends and choosed to create a band named Sunstroke Project.

In 2010 his bend went to the Eurovision and here the story about Epic Sax Guy starting – his cool solo and dance in the song became crazy famous and lots of people found out about the band. Even though they didn’t win and came 22nd at Eurovision, their show became legendary. They’re like the kings of viral stuff at Eurovision, with lots of memes and remixes made about their song.

As you can see, the Epic Sax Squirtle or Squirtle Playing Saxophone trend has a very deep and old background. Also, who is Squirtle?

Who is Squirtle ?

Squirtle from Pokemon Go

Squirtle, affectionately known as the Tiny Turtle Pokémon, is a beloved member of the first generation of Pokémon. This adorable creature undergoes a captivating evolution, transforming from the adorable Wartortle into the formidable Blastoise.

A Water-type Pokémon, Squirtle exudes aquatic prowess with its charming blue turtle-like body. Imagine its small frame with a tail with a gracefully curled tip and small, round ears.

Squirtle’s charm extends beyond his appearance; he has a unique appeal in his aquatic skills. Imagine Squirtle in a playful water gun duel, deftly shooting pressurised water from his mouth in a whimsical display. His fizzy nature comes to life as he conjures bubbles, which serve as both a whimsical defensive tactic and an intriguing offensive strategy in battle.

In moments of vulnerability, Squirtle demonstrates its wisdom by retracting its limbs into its shell, a protective manoeuvre that enhances its defences. However, this seemingly defensive stance is a prelude to the awe-inspiring spectacle when Squirtle evolves into Blastoise.

In its final stage of evolution, the majestic Blastoise, Squirtle gains access to the awesome Hydro Pump. Imagine this Pokémon unleashing a high-pressure stream of water that deals significant damage. In addition, the mastery of Aqua Tail adds a touch of physical prowess, demonstrating a harmonious balance between elegance and power.

Squirtle’s journey transcends the evolution of Pokémon, embodying a tale of growth, strength and the timeless appeal of the Pokémon world.


TikTok user @Marmalade posted a 3D animation of Squirtle playing the saxophone on 29.11.23, and it quickly went viral. It seems that people miss old trends in a new way. In this video, Squirtle, a turtle from Pokémon Go, plays a popular song by the band Sunstroke Project.

Squirtle’s dance is similar to the dance of the saxophone guy from Sunstroke Project, and it is really cool that the author made the animation look very smooth and similar to an original video.

After almost one week, the 3D animation gained 62 million views and 6.8 million likes. So, according to this, we can call this video a new trend on TikTok, and it has all the chance to be on our top list of the memes of the year.


honkin 🎷#3d #pokemon #animation #cg #epic #sax #squirtle #guy

♬ original sound – Marmalade
Squirtle playing Saxophone. Video from TikTok account @merme.lada

There has also been an interesting debate on the internet about Squirtle tapping the saxophone on his belly to make drum sounds. Some say it’s true, and he really does play both the saxophone and the drum. Others are convinced it’s just an animation. What do you think? Let us know in the comments below.

Gandalf Saxaphone Meme

It’s a very old meme from the golden times of memes, Gandalf, the wizard from J.R.R. Tolkien’s “The Lord of the Rings,” is such a fascinating character. He’s this wise and powerful figure, you know?

You’ve got him in “The Hobbit” and then again in “The Lord of the Rings,” where he’s this mentor and strategist for the good guys. They call him Mithrandir in Elvish, and he’s also known as Gandalf the Grey or Gandalf the White, depending on the situation. It’s kind of cool how these different names reflect the different sides of him.

Anyway, in 2012, YouTube channel @tejulaify uploaded a video of Gandalf shaking his head to a bit of the Sunstroke Project song, just like our Squirtle playing the saxophone here.

This meme was one of the foundations of the golden era of memes. Usually, old memes come back in a new and modern perspective, but we’re not going to let humanity forget about the roots and origin of this meme.

Gandalf shaking his head to a bit of the Sunstroke Project song. Video from YouTube chanel @tejulaify
Epic Sax Squirtle is a good lesson for you

The 3D animation of Squirtle Playing Saxophone is a good example of how a person can achieve success if they have a goal, perseverance, and their personal view of what they should do. TikTok user @Marmalade has been uploading short 3D animations since 2021. With every new video, we can see progress in his animation skills.

It’s just a small reminder to you – don’t give up.

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