
Dream vs Gumball

Dream vs. Gumball, also known as Dream vs. Nicolas Cantu, this drama began between Minecraft YouTuber Dream and the voice actor for Gumball from The Amazing World of Gumball. The conflict started on Twitter in November 2023, when Dream posted a photo on his Twitter account. After a single sentence, a conflict erupted in which Dream and Nicolas Cantu were accused each other of insulting an Uber driver, paedophilia, racism and various forms of abuse, including psychological and physical.

Let’s take a closer look at this fight and examine all the information we have at the moment.

Dream Gumball fight

The conflict started on Twitter after Minecraft YouTuber Dream posted a photo of himself with the caption “Who wants me” on 15 November, to which Nicolas Cantu, best known as the voice of Gumball from The Amazing World of Gumball, wrote “I want you dead” in the comments. Dream didn’t ignore Nicolas’ comment and posted a reply saying that he had blocked him and also added a photo with context, implying that Nicolas was too young to talk to adults like that.

Gumball and Dream fight start
Dream Blocked Gumball

But it’s not the end; the entire story began after Nicolas posted a reply to Dream about the picture, stating his age and claiming that Dream is a pedophile and shouldn’t joke about age.

Accusations of pedophilia against Dream

The response from Dream did not take long, and the Minecraft YouTuber thundered with a post, talking about how Gumball, also known as Nicolas Cantu, is a bad person.Dream responded to Nicolas posted, accusing the voice actor of being physically aggressive in the past. Also, Dream brought up instances where Cantu engaged in a physical activity called “slapboxing” and was rude to an Uber driver, using racial slurs and making racist remarks. Dream mentioned that Cantu directly apologized to him through messages on Twitter.

Dream explaining why Cantu is a bad person

Then Cantu responded to these accusations, confirming that he did indeed “slapbox” with Dream and was impolite to the Uber driver. Cantu denied using racial slurs but admitted to calling Dream “fat and a predator” while making fun of him.

Gumball agree with Dream

Recorind of Nicolas Cantu in Uber

On November 17th, 2023, Dream posted a two-minute video as proof to back up his claims. In the recording, Nicolas is heard speaking rudely to an Uber driver. We need to recognize the driver; not everyone would put up with being treated that way.

Gumball Dream Video

Dream also attached a screenshot of the conversation with the Uber driver. Where the driver denies Gumball’s claim that he left a tip.

Afterwards, Dream sent him money


This conflict grabbed the public’s attention, especially meme creators, who were inspired by the story and began making memes.

Opera’s reaction on Dream Gumball fight
Gumball vs Dream
Gumball fighting with Dream

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