
Dream Moaning Audio on Snapchat

Dream Moaning Audio on Snapchat: Article Navigation

  1. Backstory
  2. Dream Moaning on Snapchat Origin
  3. Internet Reaction
  4. Memes About Dream Moaning Audio
  5. Who is Dream?


The roots of Dream Moaning Audio began in November 2023 with a conflict on Twitter, when Dream posted a photo on his Twitter account. After a single sentence, a conflict erupted in which Minecraft Youtuber and Nicolas Cantu (the voice actor for Gumball from The Amazing World of Gumball) were accused each other of insulting an Uber driver, paedophilia, racism and various forms of abuse, including mental and physical harm.

We recommend you first read about Dream vs Gumballon on our website for best understanding of this article.

Dream Moaning on Snapchat Origin

However, the conflict between Dream and Nicolas was dying down and the internet would forget about it in a few days, but…
On 20 November, the Twitter account @Burner22 posted unverified evidence of Dream moaning over minor on Snapchat. Moaning audio and other unverified evidence – author posted on his Twitter page saying that this was sent to him under an anonymous source and he have permission to post this. The Dream Moaning Audio post has been viewed 7.8 million times.

Dream Moaning Audio
Dreams Snapchat

Internet Reaction

Minicraft YouTuber Dream has been involved in scandals and allegations of paedophilia on Twitter, and after the Gumball conflict, the story has got a second wind. Fueled by a post from @Burner22, alleging to have audio of Dream moaning on Snapchat over a minor girl, the internet community finds itself divided into two sides.

On one side, some consider this evidence sufficient to label Dream as a pedophile. The prevalence of discussions and the incorporation of recent cases contribute to their conviction in accepting this proof as true.

The second side, however, cannot agree with these proofs. The reliability of the source is unknown, and there is a lack of information about the potential Snapchat victim.

And from their point of view, these proofs are not enough to claim a person as a paedophile and groomer.

What is the opinion of the public? Here is the result of the poll under the comments to the post on Twitter about Dream Audio.

Public opinion about Minecraft Youtuber

Memes About Dream Moaning Audio

“DREAM DID WHAT” is a popular trend on Twitter where users expressing their emotions with the phrase “DREAM DID WHAT” over shocking news about their idol, such as
like Dream vs Gumball and Dream Moaning Audio/Dream Moaning on Snapchat.

Dream having a reaction to someone just saying paedophile
New Trend “Dream Did What”. Picture from Twitter account @ayeejuju

Who is Dream?

Clay, known as Dream, is a 24-year-old Minecraft enthusiast hailing from Orlando, Florida. Since establishing his YouTube channel in 2014, Dream has risen to fame for his thrilling Minecraft videos featuring friends.

YouTube Success: Dream’s video, “Minecraft Speedrunner VS 3 Hunters GRAND FINALE,” secured the seventh spot in YouTube’s “Top Trending Video” in December 2020.

His channel also achieved second place in “Top Creator”; moreover, it claimed the top position in “Breakout Creator.”

Streaming Achievements: In November 2020, Dream’s YouTube streams peaked at 700,000 viewers, ranking as the sixth most-watched gaming streams by January 2021, as reported by Polygon.

In the current status, with a massive following of 31.9 million subscribers and 119 videos, Dream continues to captivate audiences globally. Moreover, he solidifies his position as a prominent figure in the gaming and YouTube community.


To wrap it up, we just want to say that we’re sharing this info to talk about what’s happening online. Our goal is to inform, not to say anything bad about Dream or hurt his reputation.

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